

This websi­te is a spe­cial ver­sion de­si­gned for a quick ac­cess to the da­ta col­lec­ted from the net­works ma­na­ged by the In­sti­tu­te for En­vi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion and Re­sear­ch (ISPRA).

The full ver­sion is a­vai­la­ble at the sa­me ad­dress from de­vi­ces wi­th hi­gher re­so­lu­tion (ta­blets, desktops).

The o­ri­gi­nal con­tent (nu­me­ri­cal da­ta, tex­ts, i­ma­ges, sounds, vi­deos, gra­phics, tra­de­marks, lo­gos, au­dio­vi­suals, etc.) of this Si­te is pu­bli­shed for con­sul­ta­tion pur­po­ses ex­clu­si­ve­ly for information.

The nu­me­ri­cal da­ta on this Si­te are de­ri­ved from the sto­ra­ge of un­va­li­da­ted dy­na­mic da­ta. I­SPRA re­lea­ses them un­der an o­pen CC-BY li­cen­se, as they are.

The re­fe­ren­ce li­cen­se is the "Com­mon Crea­ti­ve - At­tri­bu­tion 4 In­ter­na­tio­nal" (li­cen­se link) CC-BY ver­sion 4.0 In­ter­na­tio­nal, whi­ch should be con­si­de­red an in­te­gral part of this information.

I­SPRA is not re­spon­si­ble for i­nac­cu­ra­cies or i­nac­cu­ra­cies in the da­ta. In ca­se of di­scre­pan­cies from the o­ri­gi­nal da­ta in I­SPRA's da­ta­ba­ses, the lat­ter pre­vails o­ver tho­se of the website.

I­SPRA as­su­mes no re­spon­si­bi­li­ty for any er­rors or o­mis­sions of any kind and for any di­rect, in­di­rect, or ac­ci­den­tal da­ma­ge a­ri­sing from the rea­ding or use of the pu­bli­shed in­for­ma­tion or any form of con­tent pre­sent on the Si­te or for the ac­cess or use of con­tent from o­ther si­tes rea­ched th­rou­gh links on the Site.

Websi­tes that reu­se the lo­go or parts of this Si­te, if not ex­pres­sly au­tho­ri­sed for su­ch pur­po­ses, can­not con­fer of­fi­cial sta­tus from I­SPRA to the si­te that re­pu­bli­shes its contents.



The I­ta­lian Hi­gher In­sti­tu­te for En­vi­ron­men­tal Re­sear­ch and Pro­tec­tion (from now on "I­SPRA"), as Da­ta Con­trol­ler, pro­vi­des be­low the in­for­ma­tion on the pro­ces­sing of the da­ta of u­sers who vi­sit the si­te (from now on the "Si­te") ac­cor­ding to art.13 and 14 of the EU Re­gu­la­tion n.2016/679 con­cer­ning the pro­tec­tion of in­di­vi­duals con­cer­ning the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal da­ta, as well as the free cir­cu­la­tion of su­ch da­ta (from now on "Regulation").

To this end, this po­li­cy de­scri­bes how the Si­te is ma­na­ged a­bout the sub­jec­ts who vi­sit it.

This in­for­ma­tion is pro­vi­ded on­ly for the Si­te men­tio­ned a­bo­ve and not for the websi­tes of o­ther sub­jec­ts that the u­ser could con­sult th­rou­gh links pu­bli­shed here.

For a­ny­thing not spe­ci­fi­cal­ly men­tio­ned in this pa­ge plea­se re­fer to


Da­ta Controller

The Da­ta Con­trol­ler is I­sti­tu­to Su­pe­rio­re per la Ri­cer­ca e la Pro­te­zio­ne Am­bien­ta­le, head­quar­te­red in via Vi­ta­lia­no Bran­ca­ti 48 00144 Ro­me, I­ta­ly, VAT N.10125211002.


Da­ta pro­vi­ded by users/visitors

The Si­te ac­qui­res no per­so­nal data.


Coo­kies policy

I­SPRA col­lec­ts te­ch­ni­cal in­for­ma­tion re­la­ting to the na­vi­ga­tion da­ta of the u­sers of the Site.

In par­ti­cu­lar, the IT and te­le­ma­tic sy­stems and the soft­wa­re pro­ce­du­res u­sed to o­pe­ra­te the Si­te ac­qui­re so­me da­ta du­ring their re­gu­lar o­pe­ra­tion, the tran­smis­sion of whi­ch is im­pli­cit in the use of web com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­to­cols or is help­ful for bet­ter ma­na­ge­ment and op­ti­mi­za­tion of the system.

The­se da­ta are u­sed for the so­le pur­po­se of ob­tai­ning a­no­ny­mous sta­ti­sti­cal in­for­ma­tion on the use of the Si­te to check its cor­rect functioning.

A coo­kie is a short string of text sent to the u­ser's browser and pos­si­bly sa­ved on the u­ser's com­pu­ter; su­ch sen­ding ge­ne­ral­ly oc­curs e­ve­ry ti­me you vi­sit a website.

Ea­ch coo­kie is u­ni­que con­cer­ning the browser and the de­vi­ce u­sed to ac­cess the Si­te; in ge­ne­ral, the pur­po­se of coo­kies is to im­pro­ve the func­tio­ning of the Si­te and the u­ser's ex­pe­rien­ce in u­sing it. I­SPRA does not use coo­kies to tran­smit in­for­ma­tion of a per­so­nal na­tu­re; Coo­kies are u­sed in an ag­gre­ga­te way and do not lead back to the u­ser's i­den­ti­ty but al­low to obser­ve the browsing ha­bits of the Si­te vi­si­tor for the so­le pur­po­se of im­pro­ving the ser­vi­ce of­fe­red and ma­king browsing sa­fer and mo­re efficient.


Sy­stem coo­kies and te­ch­ni­cal cookies

"Te­ch­ni­cal Coo­kies" are coo­kies that ha­ve the func­tion of ma­king pos­si­ble the be­st qua­li­ty of use of the websi­te ba­sed on the cha­rac­te­ri­stics of the browser u­sed on the com­pu­ter or on any o­ther tool to ac­cess the Internet.

The­se coo­kies al­low the u­ser to browse the Si­te and use its func­tions; wi­thout the­se coo­kies, the dy­na­mic pa­ges of the Si­te can­not function.

I­SPRA does not al­ways de­fi­ne the­se coo­kies, but they are ge­ne­ra­ted and u­sed au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly by the soft­wa­re plat­forms u­sed in so­me cases.

Ho­we­ver, they are in­ten­ded for the so­le pur­po­se of the ge­ne­ral o­pe­ra­tion of the Site.

No­te: ad­ver­ti­sing coo­kies are al­so kno­wn as "pro­fi­ling coo­kies", are not used.

How to di­sa­ble coo­kies from your browser

Vi­si­tors can chan­ge their browser set­tings to in­hi­bit coo­kies or be a­ler­ted that coo­kies are sent to their device.

The vi­si­tor can re­fer to the in­struc­tion ma­nual or the help screen of his browser to find out how to ad­ju­st or chan­ge the set­tings of his browser.

If you choo­se to di­sa­ble all coo­kies, the ne­ces­sa­ry, func­tio­nal and per­for­man­ce coo­kies will al­so be bloc­ked, whi­ch could cau­se in­con­ve­nien­ce to na­vi­ga­tion on the Site.

Privacy Statement pursuant 2009/136/EC: this site uses technical cookies only. They are necessary for the user navigation in absence of which the site can not function properly.privacy